Most Americans do not like their government. Defcon levels 1 through 4 indicate an elevated alert status, and 5 indicates a current state of peace or low levels of military readiness. Most would believe it happened and be suspicious. You just can't hide these kind of things, a few agencies monitor nuclear explosions, we have satellite, underground, radio communications. And the internet is made in a way that for the most part, its gonna take a LOT of cut lines to stop information from reaching another country, and it still sometimes comes out of China, and its hard-nearly impossible to even access the Chinese internet. slightly increases intelligence and strengthens security measures. All is calm, the skies are blue, and we aren’t even thinking about nukes. They are: DEFCON 5: Normal peacetime readiness. Especially because people will be watching, because they will also have immediately learned of said cutoff. There are five DEFCON levels, which signify varying conditions of readiness. It has never been a level 1 in the history of the Defcon level’s existence. The last time the level was lowered below a 3 was during the Cuban missile crisis, in October of 1962 when it was placed at level 2. that message will be heard practically instantly. Sometimes, Defcon levels can be raised just in certain parts of the military, or for military bases, or government institutions. A Mexican may cross the border illegally and tell the tail, and with pretty much any standing phone or internet infrastructure in the US. The last time the alert level was raised as high as this was on September 11, 2001. Click to expand.Satellite communication from all surrounding areas that would not have been immediately affected by any EMP (not very far). DEFCON is an alert system used by the US military that has 5 different levels, with level 1 being the most critical.