It is not a big deal for not being able to save Word document, because solutions available for you to retrieve unsaved Word document on Mac. There are many scenarios that caused the issue of unsaved Word document: shut down Mac without saving the Word document the Microsoft Word program crashed and not responsive so that you have to quit it without saving the document the computer crashed, and you haven’t had time to save the word document at all. How to Recover Unsaved Word Document on Mac It helps you undo the changes and recover previous version of Word document on Mac. Note: Compared with the previous version, if you haven’t done many changes for the current Word document, you can back to it by pressing the Command + Z buttons at the same time. Here are the steps to recover lost word document on Mac: In fact, whenever you edit, duplicate, delete or make a change of a Word document, Microsoft Word will automatically save the previous version there for you, in case you need the previous version. To be honest, the theory for how to restore previous version of Word document on Mac is similar to the autoSave/autoRecover in Microsoft Word.

How to Recover Previous Version of Word Document on Mac for Free How to Retrieve Word Document on Mac after Deleted/Lost Part 1. How to Restore Unsaved Word on Mac Part 3.

How to Recover Previous Version of Word Document on Mac for Free Part 2. Let’s start to Mac Word recovery now! Quick Navigation Part 1. You just need to skip to the right part you’re looking for and follow the steps there to achieve your goal. This article covers all the detailed guides to recover previous version of Word document on Mac with Office history versions, restore unsaved Word document on Mac from AutoRecover folder and use the professional software to retrieve deleted Word document on Mac. Like these Disasters happen every day! If you’re looking for how to recover a Word document on Mac, you’re in the right place. I really hope there is any way to help me." "How do I restore a previous version of a Word document on Mac or recover unsaved Word document on Mac? A few minutes ago, my office suddenly shut down automatically. You can download the tool to do the task efficiently. Here in the following, we covered several ways for how to get back Word document on Mac. However, there are some problems while creating or editing Word documents, like unsaved the Word doc while the computer is shut down, or need the previous version of Word doc, or want to recover deleted Word document on Mac. Word is a great processor for users to create documents.